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Головна » Усі публікації » The main news of university

Review of the university activities in the first week of March

Welcome! I am Oksana Azhniuk. Here are the headlines of last week (02–06.03.2015):

  • Mr. Andriy Fedorishko, a teacher of our university, was nominated the best Ukrainian trainer in powerlifting;
  • charity film sessions started at the university dormitory No. 4;
  • a geocaching trail was created by students of our university.

The Ukrainian National Powerlifting Federation published a list of the best sportsmen in different categories in the season of 2014. Andriy Fedorishko, a teacher of the Department of Physical Training of our university, was nominated the best Ukrainian trainer in 2014.

In the last year students trained by Mr. Fedorishko 6 times became the champions of Ukraine, won a second award at the European championship and finally a second and a third award at the world championship. Yelyzaveta Ryzhak, a graduate of our university, was nominated the best woman powerlifter of Ukraine in 2014. Last year she won a second award at the European championship and a third award at the world championship. Yelyzaveta Ryzhak 3 times was the champion of Ukraine and set 5 national records in powerlifting.

Students of our university decided to collect money to support the Ukrainian army. They organized a small cinema hall in the library of the university dormitory No. 4. A ticket for one session costs 10 hryvnias. There were only 15 spectators at the first session. The organizers belive that the reason of the small number of the spectators is wrong time of the session. Onwards the film sessions are planned to start at 8 p.m. All students are invited to participate in these film shows. Thus one can easily combine a film show and support to our army.

A geocaching trail was created by the students of our university. This is a touristic game using global navigation systems. The idea of the game is to find a container having been hidden by another player or player team. This trail called World War I in Transcarpathia devoted to the the centenary of First World War. The points of the trail are Tyachiv, Yasinia, Khust, Zhdenievo, Uzhhorod (3 points), Mukachevo, Uzhok and Turia Remeta.

The university students congratulated female teachers and students of our university with the 8th of March, the international women's day. Male students were presenting handmade flowers and chocolate candies at the main university building.

That were main events of last week. This was Oksana Azhniuk, Mediacenter. Have a nice day!

Prepared by Oksana Azhniuk, Iryna Levina, Yuriy Azhniuk

The main news of university | 16.03.15 | Додав Шумицька | 849 | 0.0/0
Теги: first week of March, review, university activities

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