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The new year`s brief summary of university events

Welcome! Here is a brief summary of what has happened at the Uzhhorod National University in the New Year of 2015. Here is Oksana Azhniuk. Today we will talk about the following issues:

  • Uzhhorod National University started the new year with new specialties;
  • delegation of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences visited us;
  • guests from Vysocina region presented valuable literature for the Department of the Czech Language and Literature.

More on this and other in details.

This year students of our university will be trained in three new specialties – Advertising and Public Relations, Hotel and Restaurant Business, and Computer Science. The licensed amount for the Advertising and Public Relations specialty is 30 students for full-time on-site training and 30 students for extramural studies. The subjects obligatory for testing are the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language and history of Ukraine. The licensed amount for the Hotel and Restaurant Business specialty is 50 and 30 students, respectively. The obligatory test subjects are geography, the Ukrainian language and literature and history of Ukraine.

The licensed amount for the Computer Science specialty is 25 people for the full-time on-site training and 25 people for extramural studies. To take part in the competition, applicants should submit Ukrainian National Testing (ZNO) certificates in mathematics, the Ukrainian language and literature, and a foreign languages. One can also find more information on the Media Center website.

* * *


On the 13th of January our university was visited by a delegation from Vysochina region of the Czech Republic. They presented scientific literature for the department of the Czech Language and Literature, which has been functioning in our university for the second year. The participants discussed prospects of further development for the department of Czech language and literature at the Faculty of Philology of Uzhhorod National University. Prof. Myroslava Lendiel, the Vice Rector of the university, announced new projects which are planned to be performed in cooperation with Jihlava University.

Prof. Myroslava Lendiel:

We are very happy that we can have a new relationships with Technical School of Jihlava. And we can help this school in obtaining licence for Master Degree in different specialities. Now we have a preliminary agreement with a governmental representative on the activity of our faculties of Physics and Mathematics regarding specialists for Jihlava. It is also supposed that our people visit their school for lecturing. We welcome publications of our Czech colleagues in our scientific journals too.

Zdenek Kadlec, head of the «VyZa» Charity Foundation, is ready to continue cooperation with the our Faculty of Philology.

Zdenek Kadlec:

The «VyZa» Foundation will support all these cooperation projects, especially regarding direct contacts of our institutions of Uzhhorod and Jihlava. Our mission is to mediate such cooperation.

Dr. Halyna Shumytska, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology, drew attention to the fact that a small Czech region with the population of half of our region, can be an example of active and fruitful work of local authorities for the development of higher education.

Dr. Halyna Shumytska:

The Vysocina region is a relatively small community, about half the population of Transcarpathia. And they allocate funds for our needs from their regional budget. So I am sure that it is a good idea to share this experience, it will enrich us. Especially when we hopefully finish with the russian invasion in Ukraine which we face today.

After the meeting, the guests discussed the aspects of further cooperation with our university and promised maximum assistance in the implementation of joint projects.

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We had one more visiting delegation from Lithuania, namely from the University of Health Sciences in Kaunas. Prof. Volodymyr Smolanka, the Rector of our university pointed out that the cooperation with our Lithuanian partners had been established long time ago, but this is their first visit to Uzhhorod. Now they plan to develop joint academic programs and possibly adopt new ideas on the development of healthcare system at the university.

Prof. Volodymyr Smolanka:

First, the cooperation of our universities regarding the post-diploma studies. I mean that Prof. Chopey, our Dean of the Post-diploma faculty, will meet Prof. Petrikonis to discuss the specific issues of the cooperation in this field. Second, setting up cooperation and initiating an innovative project to establish a Stroke Centre. It will be created with the participation of our Regional Health Department and based on the premises of the Transcarpathian Regional Centre of Neurosurgery and Neurology.

Prof. Kestutis Petrikonis mentioned, that today University of Health Sciences in Kaunas is the largest educational institution in biomedical sciences in Lithuania. And a good example of successful integration of research and clinical practice.

Prof. Kestutis Petrikonis:

We have an experience in organizing such thinks. What we can start with is working out various projects. This makes the university interactive for students, especially for foreign students, makes both the teachers and the students more mobile. It is good for us the our teachers will visit other countries and their professional level will increase. This is our most essential interest in the cooperation with your university.

The delegation from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences has been visiting Transcarpathia for three days. During this time they discuss the main issues in order to start active cooperation as soon as possible.

This is how our university has begun the year 2015. This was Oksana Azhniuk, Media Center. Have a nice day.  

The program has been created by

Oksana Azhniuk, Iryna Levina, Yuriy Azhniuk

The main news of university | 15.01.15 | Додав VIP | 1026 | 4.9/8
Теги: review, university activities

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