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Review of the university activities in the third week of February

Welcome! I am Oksana Azhniuk. Here are the headlines of last week (16–20.02.2015):

  • Uzhhorod National University continues cooperation in the field of Law studies with the University of Sophia (Bulgaria);
  • A book A Mite of Biblical Wisdom was presented at the Faculty of Philology;
  • The 8th Sports Universiade began at our university.

Doctor Oleksandr Bilash, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of European Law Studies, returned from his business trip to the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sophia, Bulgaria. There he had negotiations on further cooperation between the faculties of the two universities, sharing experience, and joint project proposals for grant competitions. A special attention was devoted to the Erasmus Plus Programme which provides new opportunities for students and teachers for exchange, mobility and scientific cooperation. More details can be found on the University Mediacentre website.

On the 16th of February a dictionary of biblical aphorisms written in 6 languages, namely Ukrainian, Slovak, English, Belarussian, and Russian, was presented at the Faculty of Philology. The book entitled A Mite of Biblical Wisdom was published recently in Belarus. Scientists from Germany, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia contributed to the book. The work lasted for several years and required much effort. Dr. Natalia Venzhynovych from the Ukrainian language department comments:

This is a 6-language dictionary containing 135 biblical expressions and aphorisms. Renowned specialists in phraseology from different countries took part in this international project. It is very important for young people to learn the Bible, even not only for young people. It is important to learn the language of the Bible and to learn language via the Bible, namely via aphorisms. The book just published will be helpful for those eager to touch the depth of the innermost secrets from the Book of the Books.

Doctor Halyna Shumytska, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology, noted that this book demonstrates how people of different nationalities speaking different languages can make a worthy dialogue. Students of the Faculty of Philology Vira Bilas, Kateryna Teneniova, Veronika Meshko, Oleksandra Svitlychna and Norbert Yuhas recited aphorisms in different languages. Rev. Oleksandr Monych explained their meaning. He said that this dictionary shows different approaches to biblical texts.

It is very good that these aphorisms were translated in several European languages. We believe and hope that this book will help people who seek truth in their lives to find this truth the sooner the better. And this book will help everyone who maybe doesn`t understand something in the space of chuch, liturgy, and theology.

Oleksandr Hleba, a master student of the Faculty of Internation Relations, and Vitaliy Starosta, an alumnus of the Faculty of International Politics, Business and Management, returned from the International Winter School 2015 Values in Economics and Business. It was held at Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine in Sumy. 36 participants of the school from the whole Ukraine had lectures, practice in different topics, debates, business games, role plays, and case trainings on theoretical and practical mechanisms of business relations in Ukraine and other countries of the world. Oleksandr Hleba says:

Personally for me social business activity was a sensation. Before this I thought that business activity is focused only on profit. I learned a lot of new things, for example I learned that Western companies pay attention to customers and thereby on the environment and the society in general in order to drive their attention and to attract new customers. It is this way how they build a positive reputation of the company. And I think that this trend now becomes a business value in the Western countries, and I hope this will become a trend in Ukraine as well.

On the 18th of February the 8th Sports Universiade for students and teachers began at the Burevisnyk university sport centre. After the opening ceremony the competition began with the first event – checkers. The highest number of teams – 16 – from the university faculties and structural units took part in the competition. Several leading teams appeared at the initial stage of the competition waging a tough rivalry for the top rank places. The team of the Faculty of Economics won the first award. The team of the Department of Physical Training stayed at the second place. After a harsh competition between physicists, historians and chemists the third position was taken by the team of the Faculty of Chemistry.

That were main events of last week. This was Oksana Azhniuk, Mediacenter. Have a nice day!

Prepared by Oksana Azhniuk, Iryna Levina, Yuriy Azhniuk

The main news of university | 26.02.15 | Додав Шумицька | 1008 | 5.0/2
Теги: university activities, review

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